Saturday, November 25, 2006

Today's Dance

...Though I fall I will rise;
Though I dwell in darkness,
the Lord is a light for me.
Micah 7:8 (NASB)

I spoke yesterday of life as a dance, with the music driving me as I dance well or as I step on toes. I must say that today, I danced the dance of inadequacy. The dance that says, “You’re not good enough.” The dance that says, “You should have known better.” That dance progressed into the dance of defensiveness. Because if I feel someone thinks I’m inadequate, then I must stick up for myself! I must show them that I am worthy! And when I attempt to defend myself, I have begun to dance the dance of anger. At this present moment, I am not dancing gracefully; in fact, I feel my dance is full of confusion.

How wonderful it is to know that the music hasn’t stopped just because my dance is funky. God is with me. The scripture above says that even in the midst of difficulty, God is with me to guide me. It doesn’t matter who or what the source of the difficulty is; God is with me to help me through it. And with that, I can rest knowing that in spite of how I feel about myself (which, many times, isn’t the truth anyway), God loves me and won’t leave me. I can rest knowing that I am God’s creation, that He made me wonderfully, and that He will lead me out of the darkness. God will teach me how to dance.

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